The definition of insanity; doing the same thing and expecting a different results. This is often the case in how new distributors are taught network marketing that has 1) built in rejection and 2) a dismal 96% failure rate. Using The Magic Profit Funnel™ concept of Direct "Positive" Response Marketing, I believe the failure rate could be reversed.
I believe getting three to seven new enrollments per week is less about having a method and more about giving and caring. When I Learned this in early 2024
it changed everything for me
in the year 2020 the covid year my whole life changed
we had to move from our home with a huge financial loss
I had the situation where my wife
stricken with Parkinson's
and then I had a serious family challenge
we had to deal with all along a while
the my income from network marketing was tanking
as a result of the algorithm change in 2015
and my inability to meet that demand so when we moved
and kind of got settled in our new environment
I had to go back to work
to figure this network marketing a recruiting game out
what did I do well
I turned to the profession
I bought these two different methods
that I was going to try to do
the cold reach outs to do
the one on one marketing method
that is all taught in this profession
something I never wanted to do
but I had to
I love network marketing and I did wanna leave
and I wanted to figure this thing out
so that I could really bless and help my team members
my results over about a four month period
I was 2 for 349 that's 0.4% rate of success
and of 99.6% rate of rejection
it was awful for me
I got in a mass depression as a result of my ADHD
I have this rejection sensitivity dysphoria
but I love network marketing
I didn't wanna leave the profession
and I went to work to try to figure this thing out
I immersed myself in reading a ton of books from
mostly people inside of the profession
and what I Learned from reading 13 books
from network marketing recruiting
and team building and top leaders
is they all taught basically the same thing
and I realize that I couldn't use that method
it LED me to a 2 and 3 40 nine a result
I go back to one thing Eric Worre always taught
it doesn't matter what works
it only matters what duplicates
and my mind reflected back
our company
founders had brought Eric in to our annual convention
and I was a leader at the time
so I got to go to this
special training of about 200 people in this room
and Eric had us all stand
and then he
moved to the side of the room where there was like 20%
pointing to the 80 and he said
all of you sit down so 80% of that room sit down
and he said to the audience
he says next year at this convention
all of those people sitting won't be here
and I was like scratching my head thinking wow
because I was in that 20% standing
and then he goes to that 20% and he had 80% of them
sit down well
I sit down then any
those few people that were still standing
he said
and only these people will be here two years from now
so me I get the
my calculator out
and I realize that that is a 96% failure rate
so as Eric you know
taught this couple hour session
he went to a Q&A
and I raised my hand at the very end and I said
you know Mr Worre I go
I don't get what you're just saying
all of the things that you've taught
I've kind of heard before I've heard you say it
I've heard other leaders kind of regurgitate it
why do you teach a method that 96%
people fell and quit on
you could have heard a pen drop in that room
I think everyone sensed they felt like I did
ever since that day
it's always bothered me I'd go to an annual convention
I always sit next to like brand new people
I felt more akin to those brand new people
and I would get to know him
and the people would teach on stage and
you know
they'd see my lanyard that I was a company millionaire
and then afterwards when they would
you know break for lunch or the end of the day
I would hug these people wish him well
and as we walked out for years
I would get sad thinking
I'll never see these people again
they have a 96% chance that they won't come back
so when I embarked in 2021 to figure this animal out
I wanted to figure out a way that I would reverse that
that 96% would succeed and only 4% would fail
well for me
I went outside of our profession to learn marketing
I went to Seth Golden
I went to other top people in our industry
I went to Dan Kennedy one of the greatest direct
positive response
marketing people on the face of the planet
and in my quest of learning
reading over 41 books one day
I'm scrolling YouTube
and the YouTube
algorithm was pulling up all this marketing stuff
and up popped this video of Russell Brunson
and I kinda knew Russell
and Russell shared in this short YouTube video
how in a six week period of time
using funnels he gained 1.5 million leads
now think about that
a lot of times when we enter their profession
all get list of 100 family friends
Russell in six week gained 1.5 million targeted leads
he then joins his only network
marketing company he's ever been in
because it was a friend had owned the company
and Russell in a 30 day period
using this one type of funnel
rose to the third largest team in his company
in only 30 days and he won a promotion
he won a Ferrari
Russell by his own admission
he didn't understand
all of the back end of building a team
but it showed that you could recruit rejection free
and gain a tremendous amount of leads
and enrollments in a short period of time
using direct response marketing
and that's what I then went in to learn
so I then purchased all of Russell's books
immerse myself with my ADHD
I have to read a book three to five times
and I did to learn as much as I could
about direct response marketing
and the beauty of that where in our profession
you've heard of the saying uh
the definition of insanity is doing the same thing
expecting a different result
well that's what we do in our profession
we continue to do the 20 cold reachouts
here's these spammy scripts
and we continue to use these
and 96% of our people don't like the rejection
don't like the work involved
don't like to grind and quit
and that's what we do
but with direct response marketing
there's a couple things that are beautiful about it
when you use proper funnels
it's like a little mini website
or you can even do this on your Instagram reels
your Facebook reels your Facebook post
you get an immediate action from one of your people
it's immediate they look at this funnel
and they either opt in or they don't
so with the instant response
you learn because of the metrics
because you're tracking the optin rates
and then you make these adjustments quickly
so I can get 40 people to land on a page
and if I don't get a 25 to 30% opt-in rate
I know there's something wrong with that page
there's a disconnect with
the message that I sent people to that page with
to the when they got to that page
there's there's some wording that's changed
and I just start tweaking
where in traditional marketing
we don't tweak we don't get that response rate
how many of you if you own a 20 call reachouts
get 25 or 30 people that opt in
how many people
when you do a reel will get 25 or 30 new followers
well this is percent new followers
this is the beauty of direct response marketing
this is what I learn
and it's not used in our profession until today
because I'm using it
the other thing that I Learned is
I had to create a business that I could duplicate
I could I had to create a business that I could scale
and it could work on its own
and it had to be in such a way that I could teach
and duplicate that to my new people
they could slot themselves in and succeed
and so I created 11 frameworks
which you see here on the screen number
the top level is what you do
even prior to like launching your business
you learn your purpose you learn your voice
your own personal story which I kind of shared mine
you target market which is like
the most important element in all of these frameworks
is framework No. 3
and it is not taught in network marketing
before I target market on my Instagram channel
I had 6,000 post only 1300 to 1900 followers
when I target marketed over the next 3,000 post
gained 180,000 followers
my list now with 80 hundred
80 thousand followers is huge
it's better than that hundred
I had to also take people on this customer journey
I had to build this ladder
and then I Learned an important aspect of Hook's story
and then the bottom part is where wealth is generated
those are the frameworks of attracting people
influencing them building trust
enrolling them training duplication
and then scaling scaling is where you actually run
ads on the social media channels
so it's doing all of the recruiting for me
I'm gaining new followers as a result of just running
ads so when I
built these frameworks and automated it
that's the digital part of marketing
everything changed for me
if you wanna learn more about direct response marketing
just leave below
a green check Mark and I'll shoot you some information
that will help you understand exactly this model
you guys take care see ya
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Monday, November 18, 2024