There are very few people that can effectively brand their personal lifestyle. When people try and do that and don't have some magnificent flare, they make the brand all about themselves and very little about the needs of others and guess what? No one gives a SH/T.
you know how you'd go to company events and you'd see all these attraction magnets on stage? these beautiful young women in my company and they were all saying “you've got to just brand your lifestyle!”
And I would say to myself, “yeah right.” Who wants a lifestyle like a 68 year old grandfather, former boring CPA, Ironman triathlete geek, who stays home all day to take care of his wife with Parkinson's?
last time I checked people weren't banging down my door to gain access to that lifestyle
and I took all the brand training from top leaders and I'm as anal as you can be and followed it to the T. and all I got out of that was:
after 6,000 posts on Instagram; 1900 followers and over about a five year period I gained just a few enrollments and an expensive colorful website to go with it
following these top trainer’s methods I went 2 for 349 contacts
just do the math that's a 99.4% failure rate or another way to look at that, it was 100% depression rate, lost 4 months of my valuable time and a bunch of lost sleep
Imagine going outside of our profession to learn marketing
that's exactly what I did because all of the advice that I had obtained in network marketing, from all these top trainers, my upline, and company corporate leaders, didn't work for me.
I'm a huge introvert. I get stressed and depressed with rejection with my ADHD and so I couldn't do that method and you know what?
most of the profession can't do it either
that's why we have a 99% failure rate of brand new distributors entering into our profession. they can't do it either and you know what I do now?
well I branded my level of service to my niche; the people that I care about the most is in my niche
you know that people only care about themselves
there's a saying we have what's in it for me (WIIFM) you do that when you're scrolling social media, you're looking for things that will help you
you don't care if there's somebody that's branding a fancy car, fancy clothes, “look at me, I got a big home I'm traveling!"
you don't care about any of that and your brain and you are only looking for things that “what's in it for me”
and this is why you can brand your service level
I have 180,000 followers on Instagram and I get three to seven new enrollments per week in an Nth of the time that it used to take me to do that
in fact my best month ever in in close to 18 years in network marketing was only five enrollments one month and I've earned close to $2 million
but now because I've Learned about branding my niche, my service level to my niche, I have people that are constantly reaching out to me
my content is all about for them. all about serving their needs and you have to agree that branding your service to a niche is doable by anyone right?
you could do that
you understand Seth Godin's advice
“you don't need a method you just need to care”
that makes sense
it's easier to have an Instagram or Facebook profile than it is for you to to brand and build this fancy website right?
people will respond better to your service yes?
who served you the best in your life?
for me my grandmother Fanny, my mother's mother. she didn't have all those things and I just loved and accepted the advice of my grandma because one thing she cared about me
that's what Seth Godin is saying
that is the easiest way that you can brand yourself is just caring about other people and solving their problems through the content that you prepared
like me and my grandma did, she didn’t have a logo or pretty website and colors, she didn’t wear fancy clothes. She just loved me unconditionally
and tried to help me
here's what I want you to do next
I want you to BANG that link below and get my free training on developing your niche forpeople that you'll care fo and you'll see a bunch new followers and guess what?
they'll all want what you have
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Friday, November 22, 2024