The Fullness Life™ Blog

Fueling Your Life Through the Business You'll Build

Like building a beautiful home with a large basement foundation, your digital network marketing business starts with a stong and stable foundation

Building Your Digital Network Marketing Business Success Foundation

the foundation it's the dirtiest part of building your successful business

About 30 years ago my wife and I built our home and we spent a ton of time in doing the plans, over probably two years of figuring out what we wanted this home to look like and then we acquired a piece of land and then we had to start hiring contractors and the absolute dirtiest part of building that home was the foundation

for us we were going to build a basement here in Las Vegas and that's unheard of because the dirt the land in Las Vegas is full of cliche

I broke two of those points on the backhoe on the jackhammer that was digging out our thousand square foot basement and it took a long time to do that

we had to dig all that excavation and work out we had to build this huge pad

our home was about 4500 square feet. I was meticulous of putting the plumbing in of getting everything underneath that correct

we put these cement walls in this basement and it took like a full two months of the full seven months that we built just in getting the foundation done

basement walls were built and you can see that here and then we decided to put these windows in so everything was like set up in the beginning so that we could build above it

so that foundation, that two months is extremely important and just like in building your business that foundation is extremely important

The Foundation of Your Digital Network Marketing Business

you have to build skills

a lot of people in the internet work marketing they don't have a clue how to sell and they don't have a clue about the distribution channel

how to build a team and in the profession in network marketing hardly anybody enters our profession understands marketing

it's called network marketing but in my example in my experience marketing isn't taught

so to build this great foundation for your business you have to learn marketing in my particular case I have taken my marketing and digitized it and I made it digital

that added an extra layer of foundation work. it took me where I had to read over 41 books and I did over 200 hours of live and webinar

video training

just to learn how to do the digital part of that

I spent every bit of that amount of time doing the digital part of that

as I did in learning marketing

saw that that foundation would be strong and then

you build steps

Building the Relationships In Digital Network Marketing

you build steps so that the workers can bring the the material and it's the next part of this so you take that foundation working what leads to building above that

while in my little example these steps for you is starting to build relationships with people, with mentors, with your team members, with vendors, software vendors with everything that's gonna lead into building this magnificent structure this business that you will create in network marketing

The Masterpiece in Your Digital Network Marketing Business

after those first two phases are done then you can get into the third phase and that is the structure this is when you build a business the only thing anybody ever sees

you've been to company meetings you've been to people that get on stage

successful people and you think oh I wanna be just like them and them

but they don't realize that what created this beautiful structure was all of the time you spent building a foundation
once that foundation is built you know what no one ever looks at the foundation again why because you start adding the beauty to your building

you add a beautiful door window so people can look in and it's starting to to take shape now people drive by and all of that excavation work is done and it's below this building

everyone is looking at building many people when they would enter into my home and I would show my home and the stairs down the basement they go oh you got a basement I never even knew that

yet everything is built upon that foundation and then once you get this the first part of this thing done we're now everything is flowing

the plumbing is flowing the electrical is working it's stable and you want to then build in your network marketing business

Now You Begin to Recruit in Your Digital Network Marketing Home

this is where you start recruiting and you start learning and using your skills of talking to people

this is where your digital funnels begin to work and that's what people see

they see your content on social media and they go man this person he does such a great job but they don't there again realize that the foundation that created this beautiful building started first

and then you've got this phase done man it looking great your team is growing in the end and network marketing

The Top Floor of Your Masterpiece Digital Network Marketing Business is Duplication

we duplicate you add upon it now you have this beautiful two story structure

when people are driving down the street they see this beautiful two stories and they go oh my gosh look how beautiful that home is

same in your network marketing business because once you get that foundation belt and once you get that first phase to where you're

teaching and you're training and you're recruiting and then you build duplication

you build above it and then it just flows all naturally almost and then you get the great rewards

but it starts with building that foundation

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Tuesday, November 26, 2024